Frequently Asked Questions Continued (FAQs)
What if I have questions for the doctor?
Many patients have a difficult time remembering what they want to ask their doctors. To help facilitate patient to doctor communication we ask all our patients and their families to have a notebook dedicated to their doctor visits. In this notebook the patient and their family can write any questions or concerns (medical or not) that you would like to discuss with the doctor. At the beginning of each visit the doctor will check the notebook for any questions and he will discuss those with you and will record his answers in the notebook as well.
How do I get in touch with the Doctor if it isn't an emergency?
If not an emergency:
• Email: housecallmdforseniors@gmail.com, put patient name, is the preferred way of communication
• Text: 585-642-4571, please list name of patient; NO Pictures or Calls. Dr Postigo will send a secure link when pictures or videos are
• Office phone: 585-872-2710, leave a message with our office staff or on the answering machine if the office is closed.
• Webpage: www.housecallmdforsenior.com, put patient name
• Fax: 972-236-5360, put patient name
How do I get in touch with the Doctor if I am experiencing an emergency?
If you are experiencing a life threatening medical emergency, we encourage you to call 911 as soon as possible or go to the nearest emergency room. Please notify the admissions staff that Dr. Luis Postigo is your primary care physician and they will notify him of your admission.
If it is an emergency but you would like to talk to Dr Postigo, call him directly at his cell phone. He will provide you with the number at your first visit.
What if my parents or I speak limited or no English?
Dr. Postigo speaks English and Spanish fluently. Our office staff speaks English and limited Spanish. Dr. Postigo feels comfortable taking care of patients that speak languages other than English and Spanish as long as there is someone present who speaks limited English.
Can you see my parents and then call me with the results?
Yes. We think that keeping the family involved is very important. By request, the doctor can contact ONE person after the visit if authorized by the patient or responsible party. Email is the preferred way to get updates from the doctor. If you do not have a way to email, call my office and leave a message for me including, the patient name and a brief reason for the call, your name and a phone number where you can be reached between 5:00 p.m and 11.30 pm. This designated person should be able to update the rest of the family.
What if all my family has questions for the doctor or wants to talk to the doctor in person?
The doctor will discuss the patient's case with all family members present during a scheduled visit at the patient's home. This can only be done if the patient or responsible party authorizes it.
If unable to be during the visit, he usually answers his calls in the evening, you can use:
• Email: housecallmdforseniors@gmail.com, put patient name, is the preferred way of communication
• Text: 585-642-4571, Text: 585-642-4571, please list name of patient; NO Pictures or Calls. Dr Postigo will send a secure link when
pictures or videos are Necessary
• Webpage: www.housecallmdforsenior.com, put patient name
• Fax: 972-236-5360, put patient name
What happens if I need to be admitted to a hospital?
Dr. Postigo admits and follows his patients at Rochester General Hospital. He usually makes his rounds between 7am and 8am. If you want to talk to him in person that would be the best time to catch him. If you go to other hospitals, you will be under the care of a hospital staff doctor. No matter which hospital you go to, notify them when you first arrive that Dr. Luis Postigo is you primary care physician so they can update him of your care.
What happens after I have been discharged from the hospital or rehabilitation facility?
Notify Dr. Postigo that you have been discharged so he can see you as soon as possible to make the medical adjustments needed to prevent you from going back to the hospital or nursing home.

A Geriatrician that comes to you!
No extra cost!​

A Geriatrician that comes to you!
No extra cost!​

A Geriatrician that comes to you!
No extra cost!​